Tuesday, October 10, 2006

TMX Elmo

It's already clear what one of the hottest toys this Christmas is going to be - TMX Elmo! Somehow Elmo always seems to dominate the Christmas season!

Why is this going to be this year's sensation? Amazon.com says this:
  • The most secretly guarded toy of the pre-holiday season is now available
  • Three different tickle spots trigger rounds of infectious laughter and movement
  • Elmo slaps his belly, falls forward with his butt sticking out, stands back up again, topples backwards, and kicks his legs over his belly

Few gifts are as wholesome and fun as TMX Elmo. And after all, what is more precious than watching your child laugh hysterically with a stuffed friend?

1 comment:

Sean said...

oh come on! Everyone knows that the TMX Pet Rock will be the Christmas favorite! 3 more types of minerals!